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  • Easy to sync with mobile phone
  • Access to all golf courses
  • Long battery life
  • Large, easy-to-read dial
  • Great value

Garmin Approach S12 Golf GPS Watch

Opinia użytkowników:
This golf watch is easy to use and provides basic functionality such as yardage and range finder. It is great for beginners and experienced golfers alike, and is a great value with features such as scoring, golf courses, and battery life. It is also a great gift for any golfer.
Ikona Porównaj produkty
The Garmin Approach S12 Golf GPS Watch is the perfect tool for golfers who want to improve their game. With its accurate and reliable GPS technology, this watch provides precise distances to greens, hazards, and doglegs on over 42,000 preloaded courses worldwide. Its sleek design and long battery life make it a must-have accessory for any …
The Garmin Approach S12 Golf GPS Watch is the perfect tool for golfers who want to improve their game. With its accurate and reliable GPS technology, this watch provides precise distances to greens, hazards, and doglegs on over 42,000 preloaded courses worldwide. Its sleek design and long battery life make it a must-have accessory for any golfer looking to take their game to the next level.
Zobacz więcej poniżej
Carl's Golfland
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Podsumowanie przeglądu

Zawartość wygenerowana przez sztuczną inteligencję
This golf watch is easy to use and provides basic functionality such as yardage and range finder. It is great for beginners and experienced golfers alike, and is a great value with features such as scoring, golf courses, and battery life. It is also a great gift for any golfer.


  • Easy to sync with mobile phone
  • Access to all golf courses
  • Long battery life
  • Large, easy-to-read dial
  • Great value


  • Hard-to-read buttons
  • Basic functionality for beginners
Przeczytaj oryginalne recenzje


The Garmin Approach S12 Golf GPS Watch is the perfect tool for golfers who want to improve their game. With its accurate and reliable GPS technology, this watch provides precise distances to greens, hazards, and doglegs on over 42,000 preloaded courses worldwide. Its sleek design and long battery life make it a must-have accessory for any golfer looking to take their game to the next level.

Cechy produktu

ModelGarmin Approach S12
TypeGps Watch